YTEP-0014: Field Filters¶
Created: July 2nd, 2013 Author: Matthew Turk
This YTEP outlines a method for defining generic, evaluated filters to apply to particles used in derived fields. Currently it does not extend to fluid quantities, as that will require rethinking the method of presenting and handling Eulerian quantities.
Proposed. Target is 3.0a3.
Detailed Description¶
Currently, filtering particles is done ad-hoc by derived fields. Typically something like this is done:
def finest_particles(field, data):
filter = data["ParticleMassMsun"] <= 340000
pos = data["Coordinates"][filter, :]
d = data.deposit(pos, [data["all", "ParticleMass"][filter]],
method = _method)
d /= data["CellVolume"]
return d
This is not ideal, as it requires new fields to be defined for every single particle filtering and field combination. This requires every single derived field that is desired to be filtered individually, including derived fields that are used as dependencies in another field. This is not workable, and a new mechanism for definining filtered particle types is needed. However, rather than declaring a completely new domain-specific language for defining particles to select inside a given field specification, this YTEP defines a method for declaring filters that can be applied to particles inside a contextmanager. This means that all particles used inside the context manager will be pre-filtered.
However, to avoid over-complication, the filtering step will be defined inside functions similar to derived fields and will not be auto-detected. Instead, all filters defined will be allowed to be applied and in the case of a filtering-needed field not being found, an exception will be allowed to be raised. However, field dependencies noted in the creation of a filter will be taken into account when filters are added to a given dataset.
These filters will be added and viewed as a new particle type. For instance, if a dataset has only “all” particles, a new filter could be added that filtered out particles that should be regarded as “star” particles and that filter will then be presented as a new particle type “star”.
Filters are only meant to act on homogeneous groups of particles. For instance, a given filter could not select sets of particles with hetereogeneous attributes and combine them.
Here is an example filter that would accomplish the filtering task shown above:
def finest_particles(pfilter, data):
filter = data["all","ParticleMassMsun"] <= 34000
return filter
function = finest_particles,
filtered_type = "all",
ds = load("DD0040/DD0040")
sp = ds.h.sphere("max", (1.0, 'mpc'))
sp.quantities["TotalQuantity"]( [("finest_particles", "ParticleMassMsun")] )
However, more complex filters could be defined as well, relying on additional fields. Furthermore, a side-effect of future particle field definitions being generated for specific particle types (described in issue 598) would be that any particle filters defined would also have any particle derived fields added on a per-particle-type basis added automatically. The addition of field definitions will occur during the creation of derived fields.
Note that we do explicitly specify field dependences in these particle types. This may cause issues, as derived fields will first need to be identified, then particle filters, then any derived fields for those new ad-hoc particle types will be added. This will require some refactoring of field detection methods, which will overall serve to improve the reliability of the code base and field detection mechanisms.
Derived fields based on filtered particles are not currently available; only derived fields that work on the filtered particle type will be available.
Adding this filtering mechanism will also considerably simplify the Enzo
frontend, as currently the Enzo frontend defines several different methods for
identify star particles. (Other frontends, where attributes of particles
separate them into different classes, will also benefit.) As an example, for
Enzo 2.X-class simulations, the definition of a star is through either a
attribute or a particle_type
attribute. This will enable
definition of filters, and only the one that is applicable to the specific
dataset will be added and applied.
def star_creation_time(pfilter, data):
filter = data["all", "creation_time"] > 0
return filter
function = star_creation_time,
filtered_type = "all",
requires = ["creation_time"])
def star_particle_type(pfilter, data):
filter = data["all", "particle_type"] == 2
return filter
function = star_particle_type,
filtered_type = "all",
requires = ["particle_type"])
The correct filter will be identified and added to a dataset. Filters are distinct from types in the sense that types have a fast-path that can be passed down to IO functions; for instance, this may be because particles are stored in a separate location or IO routines are able to quickly identify those particles that are able to be loaded. Filters are better thought of as a set of generic validation and selection routines, where those filters are difficult or impossible to pass into the IO routines in a general way.
Since this is a multi-map to filter names, we will not be able to store filters in a dict-like object, or we will at the very least have to return a list of possible filters when accessing via dict. This will likely not serve as a large barrier, as the set of filters will not be user-exposed.
In addition to this, we will define a similar system for filters as is done for
fields, in that a hierarchy of filtering databases will be available. The base
or universal filters will be available across codes (suitable, for instance, in
direct cross-code comparison) and then frontend-specific filters can be
created. This will enable degeneracies of field names and so on to be
eliminated. The first implementation will require manual calling of
on StaticOutput
subclasses before instantiation
of a hierarchy.
However, unlike derived fields, because these filters define actual new particle types, they will not by-default be applied universally, but instead universal filters will need to be activated by the user. Frontends can decide on a frontend-by-frontend basis whether or not new frontend-specific filters will be added by default.
Backwards Compatibility¶
This should not break any backwards compatibility by itself. However, should functions in yt begin to rely on these filters, those functions will no longer be backwards compatible.
I have not presently identified any alternatives, other than construction of a domain-specific language for describing filters that would then be embedded in the particle type. I believe that will raise complexity considerably.