YTEP-0021: Particle-Only Plots¶
Created: August 29, 2014 Author: Andrew Myers
This YTEP describes a mechanism for creating scatter plots of particle fields in yt. It was prompted by a question posted to the yt-users list by Jeremy Ritter, linked below.
Essentially, it proposes creating a user-facing function called ParticlePlot
(analagous to SlicePlot
or ProfilePlot
) that facilitates plotting arbitrary
particle fields against one another.
Project Management Links¶
Detailed Description¶
Currently, to make plots like those in the linked notebooks, you would have to grab the particle data from the data source and feed them to something like pyplot.plot().
Instead of units, labels, and log_scales getting grabbed from the FieldInfoContainer
, they would need to be set up manually. Furthermore, the standardized interface for modifying
yt plots that exists in PlotWindow
would not be available.
Instead, we could create a ParticlePlot
class that would act like the currently existing yt plotting classes. The constructor would take:
: anAMR3DData
: str or list, the field(s) to put on the x-axisy_fields
: str or list, same but for the y-axiscolor
: either a color string, or another particle field to be mapped to a color scale
If x_fields and y_fields are strings, this would add a single scatter plot to the ParticlePlot
. If they are lists of field_names, then a series of plots will be added, in the
style of (for example) PhasePlot
. The standard methods for modifying these plots (e.g. set_log
, set_units
, set_cmap
, etc. ) should all work as expected, and they
should be able to be saved / sent to the notebook as normal.
Implementation Details¶
My current implementation wraps pyplot.plot(), but because pyplot.plot can be slow when the number of points is large, ParticlePlot
should instead use Sam Skillman’s particle
splatting code to create something like a FixedResolutionBuffer
. This could then be displayed with pyplot.imshow(). This would also make it easy for users to access the raw image
and pass it to another plotting routine, if they prefer.
Inheritance Structure¶
shares a lot of its functionality with PhasePlot
, so the implementation should be similar. In particular, ParticlePlot
should inherit from ImagePlotContainer
and the individual plots in it should be ParticlePlotMPL
objects that inherit from ImagePlotMPL
Open issues¶
Plots that have spatial variables on both axes are logically different from those that don’t in a few ways. For instance, it could be misleading if the aspect ratios are
different for two spatial axes, as in the second linked notebook. Also, things like “pan” and “zoom” make sense for spatial data, but not when plotting, say, velocity
versus position. Should we handle spatial plots differently, as Nathan suggested in the yt-dev discussion above? Spatial plots could in inherit from PlotWindow
take advantage of all the methods and callbacks in there.
Backwards Compatibility¶
None; all existing code should work exactly as before.
Alternatively, there could be no mechanism for making particle scatter plots inside of yt, and users could call pyplot.plot() or whatever directly.